Now I’m in a new town and I want to offer my classes to the public, eventually developing a way of offering my classes to corporations. My classes are experiential, no detached “webinar” style. Do you have any marketing ideas that can get me in contact with the right audience? How I should write flyers? Find locations? Resources?
Congratulations on your new practice and your new town! It’s always a challenge to establish a face-to-face practice in a new city. I constantly praise the benevolence of the Internet for allowing me build a clientele that is a “movable feast”( but then, I’m kind of an introvert and don’t mind doing most of my work by phone, Skype, and email)!
- Obviously, leaving beautiful cards, brochures, and flyers at metaphysical, new age, or spiritually-oriented bookstores is a good start. Such places can be found with a simple Google search. Be sure to visit these stores during off-peak hours and introduce yourself and your work to the staff. Find out if they’re open to hosting special workshops or lectures on specific topics, or if they have any other recommendations that are specific to your city. Approach meditation centers to see if they might be interested in having you lead a New Moon or Full Moon experiential astrology activity. Unless you’re a professional designer, enlist one to help you with your printed materials! (You might be able to organize a trade.)
- Are there any local astrology groups? Attend their meetings! Most include a diverse membership ranging from beginners to professionals and offer the perfect opportunity to introduce yourself and your services. It’s also a great way to get to know your local colleagues! Some may be protective of their own territory, but not everyone wants to teach beginners or work in an experiential style; some may be happy to refer others in your direction.
- If you’re trying to reach out to corporations, it seems it would make sense to connect with traditional business network organizations in your area. The local Chamber of Commerce, Toastmasters (an excellent resource for building speaking skills while also networking), the National Organization of Professional Women, Soroptimist International – all of these groups host meetings, receptions, and other events that will put you in contact with people in all kinds of business. It’s difficult sometimes for astrologers to make ourselves do this, because our profession is not always given a warm reception outside our own little new age circle. But you specifically expressed an interest in reaching out to the corporate community, and this is where you’ll need to start.
- In person, present yourself in such a way that you blend in with other professionals. Leave the patchouli, feathers, and velvet at home, and dress professionally. On paper, take your design and copywriting cues from the brochures and other printed materials of the business professionals with whom you hope to work. If you’re not a professional print designer or copywriter, see if you can develop contacts with people who are and who might be open to working with you on your materials.
- Do you have a website? Even if you prefer to do your actual work with clients in person, remember that many of them will first discover you online. Consider using a service like Vimeo to produce videos that show what an “experiential” approach to astrology looks like.
- Social media is your friend! Set up Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn profiles for your business, and use them to promote your work and to encourage conversation. You’ll probably find that one of them is a better fit for you than others, but use them all… at least a bit.
- And don’t forget one of your most valuable potential marketing tools: your own natal chart!
Wishing you the best of luck, joy, and prosperity!
© 2013 April Elliott Kent
Anyone have any other suggestions? Leave a comment below!