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Episode 271 | New Moon in Capricorn: Feeding the Albatross!

Episode 271 | New Moon in Capricorn: Feeding the Albatross!

This week, the calendar year winds down with a Capricorn New Moon and a message of care and kindness. Venus enters Pisces, a sign of unconditional love. Irresistible Mars makes the second of three oppositions to immovable Pluto. The Sun in Capricorn sextile Saturn, and Mars trine the North Node of the Moon, offer a vision of a dream that is within your grasp. And a listener question about combining transits and secondary progressions when you’re looking at your chart. Plus: An albatross, agape, and achievements!

Read a full transcript of this episode.

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[1:29] Moon Report! The Capricorn New Moon (Dec. 30, 2:27 pm, 09°43’ Capricorn) is on Sabian symbol 10 Capricorn, Albatross feeding from the hand. How will the seeds we plant at this New Moon grow into food for the soul, as well as the body?

[3:55] Lunar Phase Family Cycle. Messages from this New Moon are developed over the coming few years, with critical points at the First Quarter on Sep. 29, 2025; the Full Moon on June 29, 2026; the Last Quarter on March 29, 2027.

[5:10] Void-of-Course (VOC) Moon periods. On Dec. 31 (10:02 pm PST), the Moon in Capricorn sextiles Neptune. It’s VOC for 4 hours and 48 minutes and enters Aquarius on Jan. 1 (2:50 am PST). Moon in Capricorn pragmatism, resourcefulness, and ambition offer a foundation for the very best qualities of Neptune – kindness, charity, healing, and faith.

[6:11] On Jan. 2 (8:13 pm PST), the Moon in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus. It’s then VOC for 11 hours and 8 minutes (!!!), then enters Pisces on Jan. 3 (7:21 am PST). Break the habit of just trying to fit in, and instead develop friendships with those who are in sync with your values.

[7:30] On Jan. 5 (6:30 am PST), the Moon in Pisces makes a conjunction with Neptune. It’s VOC for about four and a half hours, then enters Aries (11:01 am PST). Here is a chance to assimilate the food of kindness into our daily lives and habits.

[8:25] Venus enters Pisces on Jan. 2 (7:24 pm PST, through Feb. 3, 2025). Astrologers consider Venus exalted in Pisces – very strong, and capable of its noblest expression. Unlike physical pleasures and many relationships, this face of Venus is closest to agape, the highest form of love, charitable and unconditional.

[10:50] On Jan. 2 (11:22 pm PST), Mars opposes Pluto at 01º08’ Leo-Aquarius. This is the second of three oppositions between Mars and Pluto. The first was on Nov. 3, 2024, and the next is on April 26, 2025. Mars retrograde has been building up tension and frustration that can make us vulnerable to imposition and emotional self-harm as it opposes Pluto. Retreat into your studio to create art, or indulge in your most passionate hobbies.

[12:45] The Sun sextiles Saturn (Jan. 4, 2:36 pm PST) at 14°49’ Capricorn-Pisces. The Sun’s Sabian symbol is 15 Capricorn, Many toys in a children’s ward; Saturn’s is 15 Pisces, An officer preparing to drill his men. Something  that once felt like an impossible dream is now within your grasp.

[14:23] Mars trines the Moon’s North Node at 00°26’ Leo-Aries (Jan. 4, 10:20 pm PST). When Mars, the planet of action, connects with the North Node of self-discovery, we know the conditions are right to pursue something important to us.

[16:45] Listener Paula asks about combining transits and secondary progressions when you’re looking at your chart.

[23:06] If you’d like to have a question answered on a future episode, leave a message of one minute or less at or email april (at) bigskyastrology (dot) com; put “Podcast Question” in the subject line. Free ways to support the podcast: Subscribe, like, review and share with a friend!

[23:35] A tribute to this week’s donors! You may want to check out Episode 252 for Kirstin and April’s discussion of Pluto in Libra. If you would like to support the show and receive access to April’s special donors-only videos for the coming year, go to and contribute $10 or more. You can make a one-time donation in any amount or become an ongoing monthly contributor.

Writing and images © 2017-24 by April Elliott Kent

For more on this week’s planetary news, read my column!

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